General information

Under this tab, you have an overview and can edit basic information about the dispatch such as description, practical information, start date, end date, etc. Most of the fields here are the ones you set up when you create a new dispatch , but you also have access to the following functions under general information , after it has been set up:

Gave Description

Name of dispatch

Give the mailing a clear and unambiguous name that describes well what it concerns. Please include the year, if it is a recurring mailing.


If you work with a lot of mailings, it might be a good idea to categorize them. For example, Training fees, FFO, Football schools - or if a club does several sports, then you can categorize on Football, Handball, Basketball, Skiing, etc. This is not a mandatory field, and can be ignored.


If you have a website you would like to link to, you can do so here. This is not a mandatory field and can be ignored.

Start given

Information to the member or those who are to sign up, when the period for the mailing starts.

End date

Information to the member or those who are to sign up, when the period for the mailing ends. After the mailing has passed this date, it will automatically be under Archived mailings .

Deadline for registration

This is the last deadline for when someone can sign up or pay. You are welcome to move this forward later, if you see that you have to extend the deadline. Once this date has passed, the button that says “Proceed to registration” on the front of the mailing will be disabled.

Maximum number of places

If there is a maximum number for how many people can register for the entire mailing, enter it here. You can also set the maximum number at the product level under the Options tab.

Name contact person

Name of contact person for the dispatch.

Email contact person

Email to the contact person for the dispatch.

Telephone contact person

Telephone number of the contact person for the dispatch.

Link to website

Insert a link to their website where it may say a little more about the mailing. If you don't have a website, but perhaps a page on social media, add it.

Open invitation link

This link is unique for this mailing, and is used for registration for those who will sign up. Put the link on your website, in an email, or on social media.


This is a text that you enter to give a more detailed description of what the mailing is about. If you want highlighting or other effects on the text you enter, you can mark the relevant text, and you will get a black box with effects that you can enter.

Practical information

This is a text you enter to provide a more detailed description of practical information. It can be an attendance time, or whether there is an open kiosk or catering if there is an event. If you want highlighting or other effects on the text you enter, you can mark the relevant text, and you will get a black frame with effects that you can apply.

Text at the bottom of the receipt

Do you want to state anything special on the receipt, such as the amount being deducted for childcare, or other matters.

Denomination on dispatch

Here you set whether the dispatch concerns persons, players, members, or other matters. This is important for names that are displayed for those who will sign up.

FFO Deduction

In some mailings, those registered receive tax deductions for childcare. By ticking the box here, you will be able to easily get a report for use when reporting to the tax authorities. Remember to select which field applies to "date of birth", so that we can limit the age.