Discount codes

If you want to give those who sign up and pay the opportunity to offer special products or prices that only a group should have access to, you can create a discount code that you give to the group in question. You then proceed as follows:

Type of discount code - Selected products:

    1. Create a product / products that only applies to those who enter the code, and set the correct price.
    2. Tap the eye on the far right of the product line you created and tap Save. The product is now hidden from those without the discount code.
    3. Go to the Discount codes tab, and create a new discount code, and give the code a name you recognize.
    4. Select / tick the product you created and hidden, and which you want to offer to those who receive the code.
    5. Press "create" code.

If you now preview your mailing, you will see that everyone has the opportunity to enter the code you created at the very bottom of the front of the invitation page.

Note: Type of discount code "Selected products" is the old model for discount codes in Superinvite. We recommend using the "Value discount" type if it works for you.

Type of discount code - Value discount:

    1. Enter the desired code that participants enter to receive the discount you wish to give.
    2. Choose whether there should be an amount discount, or whether they should receive a percentage discount
    3. If the code has an expiry date, enter it (optional).
    4. Finally, you choose which products are to be covered by the discount code that is entered.
    5. Press "Create Code".

If you now preview your mailing, you will see that everyone has the opportunity to enter the code you created at the very bottom of the front of the invitation page.

Note: If you have categorized your products, you must also select the parent category when choosing from the list.