Set reminders / Reminders

When you send out an Invitation, everyone gets a unique link they click to go to registration and payment. SuperInvite can therefore know who has paid and who has not, and further send a reminder automatically.

To set a reminder, go to Communication and Reminders. Here you can set up to two reminders that will go out automatically, based on which variables you set.

Gave Description

Set whether you want it active or inactive. If you have this set to inactive, it will not send out a reminder.

Date of reminder

The date when the reminder will expire. The time will be around 13.30, and cannot be changed.

Free text

Here you can write a separate message that will appear in the e-mail that is sent out. This is in addition to all the information belowgeneral information ,which will also appear on the reminder email.

To set a reminder, go to Communication and Reminders. Here you can set up to two reminders that will go out automatically, based on which variables you set.

Note: If someone receives an invitation on their email, but chooses to enter via the Open invitation link, and then use a different email than the one they were invited to, they will receive a reminder. This happens very rarely, but is often the reason why someone who has paid reports that they should not have received a reminder.