Change payment plan

If it is desired to change an active Autotrekk or Partial payment plan, this can easily be done via the club, or by the person who has made the registration.

In both cases, you can find the link used for this if you go to an order in the Order list under Reports. Inside the Order to be changed you will find " Link to edit " which is available per participant on the Order. Here, the club can itself use the link on behalf of the registered person and change to the desired product, or the club can choose to send this link to the person who wants to make the change, where they do it themselves.

Once the change has been confirmed, the correct / new amount will be automatically withdrawn at the next draw.

When placing a new order, you will be asked whether you will pay for the current period or the next period. What they choose here depends on whether they canceled the old plan before the current interval period, or whether they have already paid for the current interval period.