Rest corps for deltakere

Soccer player ready to shoot penalty

About the registration and payment solution provided by Invite AS

Invite AS supplies a registration and payment service, which acts as an intermediary between the individual organizer and participant. The service sells participation and/or physical products for various types of events. Invite AS is not responsible for the implementation of the individual event, its quality or content. Invite AS does not refund participation fees as a result of a canceled event, and this must be discussed with the individual organizer. These user conditions apply to registration for the events/campaigns, with any associated products/services, that you sign up for. The terms of use together with your registration, confirmed through a receipt sent to you per e-mail, the overall agreement basis for registration. Changes to the user conditions will be continuously published in this document.

  1. Parties to the agreement

The provider of the service at is Invite AS, 9198 08632. The user of the service is the person who completes and pays for the registration, and is hereinafter referred to as "participant", "you", "you", "your" or "yours". The sports club/organisation that uses the registration and payment service is called the Organiser.

  1. How do you register for an event?

The registration process consists of the following points:

  1. Gjennomfør påmelding Et arrangement er enten blitt sendt til deg via emailinvitasjon fra arrangør, eller du finner arrangementet på arrangørens hjemmeside el. Det er arrangøren som bestemmer om du kun kan melde på deg selv, eller vil ha rett til å melde på både deg selv og/eller andre. Har du rett til å melde på andre deltakere, så har anledning til å skrive antall du ønsker å påmelde. Totalsum på kvitteringssiden vil vise hva totalbestillingen vil koste før du går til selve betalingen.
  2. Sjekk at din påmelding er korrekt Etter registreringen av deg selv og/eller andre er du selv ansvarlig for å sjekke at påmeldingsinformasjonen er korrekt før du velger “gå til betaling”.
  3. Velg korttype ved betaling støtter korttypene Visa og MasterCard. Når du har registrert deltagere, valgt deltakertype og eventuelle tilleggsprodukter klikker du “gå til betaling” for å betale. benytter PayPal for sikkerbetaling på nett, og det bes om standard informasjon som kortnummer, utløpsdato og CVC2-kode. Ved godkjennelse av kredittkortet vil betaling finne sted og påmeldingen være registrert.
  4. Epost som påmeldingsbekreftelse Etter betaling vil du på epostkvittering til den epost-adressen du oppga ved registreringen av deg som betaler. På kvitteringen vil det stå hvilket arrangement påmeldingen gjelder, navn arrangør, kontaktinformasjon til arrangør, hvem som er påmeldt, pris mm. Det vil også være en direkte utskriftsmulighet av ordrebekreftelsen etter betaling. Du må snarest mulig kontrollere at den registrerte påmeldingen er korrekt. Praktiske spørsmål vedrørende arrangementet rettes direkte til arrangør oppgitt på ordrebekreftelsen.
  5. Information about the service
    We strive to give our customers as correct information as possible based on the information that the individual organizer has provided. However, we reserve the right that typing errors may occur, which may mean that we cannot deliver as desired.
  6. Prices

The total cost of the registration will appear before the registration process ends. The price shown will include all expenses associated with the purchase. There are no fees that you as a participant pay directly in connection with the total amount, but the Organiser's total price for the event will include all fees that apply to the transaction. As a participant, you have no right to gain insight into the fee rates or other price characteristics that the Organizer or Invite AS hold.

  1. Payment

The participation fee is settled using either a Visa credit card or Mastercard credit card.

The participation fee will be charged to your credit card once you have confirmed the payment on the payment solution's payment page. If the card issuer rejects the transaction, e.g. because of. lack of coverage or the card is blocked, registration will not be possible. In cases where this happens, you will be notified in the payment screen that the card has been rejected by the card issuer. If you receive a message that "payment failed", this may be because you have registered an error in the completion of card information or that the payment solution was down at the time of payment. Then you as a participant are asked to try again. An email receipt will only be sent to you if payment has been approved.

  1. Examination of the registrations

After you have registered, you should, as soon as you have the opportunity, check whether the receipt is correct.

  1. Canceled event or changes to event

In the event that an event is canceled or changed, the organizer will inform all registrants of this. The organizer takes care of all questions regarding any refund in the event of a canceled event. Invite AS does not refund its part of participation fees in the event of a canceled event. All questions about the event, any errors/changes in your order, complaints and its implementation are directed to the individual organiser. You will find the organizer's name on the received order receipt.

  1. Personal information

Registered person profile is created and stored in the database associated with the event you sign up for. The organizer can use the same personal profiles for invitations to similar events, but undertakes not to use the data you enter for purposes other than for use in Superinvite. Invite AS only stores information for statistical use, in order to fulfill our obligations towards the organizer and you as a participant. only uses personal information you leave for the event(s) you have signed up for, and will not disclose personally identifiable information to third parties who do not work directly with Invite AS, or send direct mail without active consent from the user.

Your personal data is only disclosed to a third party when:

  • you have consented to the disclosure,
  • when it is necessary for us to complete the registration and/or the payment, or
  • during operation and maintenance of the solution / system, or
  • in statutory cases

If you wish to change/delete/block personal data, contact the organizer / Data processing manager at the organizer who has the opportunity to do this. It is at all times a Data Processing Officer at the Organizer who is responsible for ensuring that your data is not used further for purposes that conflict with GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Invite AS as Data Processor is responsible for ensuring that your data is stored and handled in accordance with GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as well as making arrangements for the Data Processor to have arrangements in place that enable them to comply with the new GDPR regulations. At the same time, you agree that all or part of the information you enter can be published publicly by the Organizer, if the Organizer believes that this is a necessity in order to carry out the event. This can, for example, apply to situations where you publish a list of everyone who is registered. If you do not wish to be on such a list, you must immediately contact the Organiser, and reserve yourself against being on this type of list.

In order for us to be able to analyze user behavior inside Superinvite, Invite AS uses Google Analytisc as a third party on our applications.

Invite AS by the general manager is responsible for the processing of personal data as described above. Should you have any further questions about our privacy policy, we would be happy to hear from you. Feel free to send us an e-mail at or a letter to Invite AS, Skuivieien 103, 1339 Vøynenenga.

If you find a breach of conditions that apply to the Personal Data Act, you are obliged to contact us to notify Invite AS of the situation immediately.

  1. Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal does not apply to the purchase of tickets or other fixed-term benefits (cf. the Right of Cancellation Act

  • 19b). When purchasing physical products, the Right of Cancellation Act applies when the purchase of products has been made

without a fixed place of residence (eg internet). The Right of Cancellation Act provides a 14-day cancellation period. You can find a right of cancellation form for completion online at A completed cancellation form must be delivered to the organizer who handles this on behalf of Invite AS.

  1. Complaints

Your rights in the event of errors and omissions in your order are taken directly with the Organiser, whose contact information you will find on your order confirmation. Reference is made to §27 of the Norwegian Consumer Purchase Act if your complaint concerns physical products in connection with your order: "If there is a defect in the item, the consumer must within a reasonable time after he or she discovered it or should have discovered it, notify the seller that he or she will invoke the deficiency (complaint).” Consumer Purchase Act:

  1. Disputes

The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not successful, you can bring the matter before the Consumer Council near where you live. All disputes must be resolved according to Norwegian law. If the case is brought before the courts, it must be decided in your (the buyer's) jurisdiction, which normally means close to where you live.

  1. Contact information

If you have questions about events, wish to change your registration or other event-related questions, contact the event manager who you can find on the event page or your order receipt.

If you have questions related to the use of the registration payment service at Invite AS, questions about personal weather or charges marked Invite AS (, contact us at

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