How long does it take to pay with Superinvite?

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Have you heard that it only takes 2 minutes to pay via Superinvite?

Then you heard exactly right. Superinvite is concerned that registration and payments to the organization should be done in an efficient and user-friendly way, and that everyone can do it. This has been our focus since we started, and we now have concrete measurements that show that we have succeeded.

Through Google Analytics, we can see a general analysis of user patterns in Superinvite, where it is shown that it only takes 1.46 minutes to complete a registration and payment from start to finish. The figures are based on approx. 50,000 sessions in the last 30 days, of which 40% are also new users. It also tells us that even new users get it done easily.

Gjør as over 500 clubs and organizations in Norway have done, og contact us today for an effective løsning for påmelding og innpayments.

Husk også at vi tilbyr en folkefinansieringsløsning, dersom deres organisasjon trenger økonomisk støtte til nye fasiliteter eller prosjekter i klubben. Les mer på

We also take this opportunity to wish all our customers, followers and partners a nice and active summer. As always, we at Superinvite are available throughout the summer if there is anything.

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